Cervotessile introduces Made To Measure

Cervotessile introduces MTM: Cut service and tailored Collection

Tailor your jacket by adding a special detail such as an extravagant lining print.

Combining the lining with a freshly tailor-made jacket has become a must for those who love making their personality stand out through their outfits. For this reason, Cervotessile has now introduced a unique Made to Measure service, with several designs to choose from. Allow others to see your custom lining while you are looking for a pen in your pocket or by offering your business card when greeting someone for the very first time.

Orders shipped in less than 24h.

A prompt service cut by the meter, available for smaller size orders with a minimum of 3 meters, and shipping requests satisfied in less than 24 hours. A Made To Measure designed service to fulfil the most extravagant requests, from cosmopolitan aesthetic, such as taxis and skyscrapers, to fun comic book prints, the choice broads to textures with a vintage reference such as pin-ups.

Request your bunch today or contact us now for more info.